My eyes flicked open, my heart thumping in my chest, I was sweating, and hot I knew that I was going to die. This is what my life had become sudden waves of panic that would wash over me, overwhelming me with a pounding heart and waves of nausea.

Nothing seemed to help nor did I know what caused the attacks, I became more frightened of going outside: What if it happened outside, where would I go what would people think. Better, safer to stay indoors in a world I control.

It was my husband who helped, he insisted that I went and talked to my GP. He helped me throught the terror of going in the car to the surgery. He reassured me and held my hand. I felt a fraud in front of the GP, taking up his valuable time with this, after all I was an adult I should be able to control this.  The GP assured me that anxiety and panic attacks affect as many as 1 in 5 people during their life. He prescribed some medication to help with the attacks and organised for me to see a counsellor.

I am much better now. I can face the world again and although I still have the attacks I can now control them and talk myself down. My counsellor has been helping me uncover some of the triggers for my attacks and that helps a lot. Throughout my husband has been great and it’s not been an easy road, but I really am glad he made me talk to my GP.

It’s a story that many people with anxiety disorders will readily identify with: The terror of a panic attack, the anxiety the fear and the worry. It can be incredibly disabling interfering with all aspects of daily life.

One of the first ports of call in dealing with anxiety is your GP. A good GP is invaluable they can access the resources to make a difference. They can give you medicine which will help to stabilise your mood, while you attend one of the many talking therapies. The National Institute for Clinical Excellence [NICE] recognised how effective counselling is in bringing about recover.

As you become more confident through counselling, the medication is gradually reduced with the aim of getting your life back to the way you want it to be.